Making a Pillowcase Without Sewing By Saamia Ashraf

no sew pillow case, creative pillow case ideas

Are you the one who has zero knowledge of sewing yet you drool over every other diy sewing project??

Well then you are the right kind of person I'm making this diy for, 

Things you will need:

^ A spare cushion (I used a square cushion you can use any shape).

^ A fabric of your choice printed/plain /painted

^ A pair of scissors

And that’s about it … 

To prepare for your pillow or cushion cover, take the fabric and iron it first to get rid of all the creases.

Next this is done lay out the fabric on a smooth surface and place the cushion in the center now you could either roughly cut the fabric leaving 3,4 inches on all four sides* (If you`re making a square cushion). Or you could measure the size of your cushion and then leave extra 2 inch on all sides.
Now as you have completed the first step you`ll be left with 2 pieces of fabric, lay both the pieces one on the top and one on the bottom of the cushion and start tying knots carefully each side until the end ,to further customize it you can add wooden beads ,pearls, pompoms to the corners .

And there you have it a customized, diy handmade pillow cover.

I'm sure this will make your mum super proud. ;)

    Article By Saamia Ashraf


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