Pizza fries by Saamia Ashraf

Hey guys, hope your Ramadan went well, and that you all tried some interesting new recipes all thanks to corona. Did you guys noticed? Our parents were at ease that we eat healthy and hygienic food. Hope you all have tried some delicious recipes and had been a helping hand to your mothers and elder sisters in the kitchen. Okay now, I am going to share a quick and easy yet yummy recipe with you that I tried will surely make you crave for more.

Pizza fries recipe by Saamia Ashraf Hey guys, hope your Ramadan went well, and that you all tried some interesting new recipes all thanks to corona. Did you guys noticed? Our parents were at ease that we eat healthy and hygienic food. Hope you all have tried some delicious recipes and had been a helping hand to your mothers and elder sisters in the kitchen. Okay now, I am going to share a quick and easy yet yummy recipe with you that I tried will surely make you crave for more.

procedure of the recipe

Hope you'll try it and we would love to see the picture of it. 


  1. Extra curricular activities showing Best future

  2. Wow! Looks really yummy. Great presentation Saamia!
    Will try it for sure 😋

  3. This looks really tasty!
    I will definitely try it.

  4. Going to try this. Please continue posting such yummy recipes 🙌

  5. a delightful treat for all the fries lovers 🍟🤗

  6. Looks delicious .... Thank you Saamia for the wonderful recipe


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